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Dr Croft is an expert on the gut microbiome.  For decades she has been applying Hippocrate's principles of : "All disease starts in the gut, so look there first" and  "Food should be your medicine."

She will start evaluating the health of your GI tract by a thorough oral cavity and mouth hygiene exam.  You will be educated on how your GI tract develops and how you get your initial gut flora innoculations. 

And after decades of helping patients improve and revert many types of acute and chronic gastrointestinal ills, Dr Croft develops a step-wise, round Gut Program that is tailored to your specific health needs.


She uses the most advanced evidenced based testing methods if warranted. 

If you have been struggling with gut issues, have an auto-immune condition, are intolerant to specific foods, feel less vital in the last year, experience brain fog, have mental health challenges, seem to be overly sensitive to medications, supplements,  smells or chemicals, consider seeing Dr Croft for we're confident her approach will help get to the root cause and improve your health. 

Take a peek at our Gut Health Package.

Dr Cindi Croft Wellness
Precision Personalized Medicine

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